The Adelaide Convention Centre is conveniently located in the heart of the city centre and nestled within the beauty of the Riverbank Precinct, surrounded by parklands and the River Torrens. Close proximity to the medical hub, entertainment, cultural and sport precinct, the Centre is a short walk to international and boutique hotels and accommodation. Public transport, the Adelaide Railway Station and a taxi ramp are on our doorstep.
Public transport
Trams runs from Glenelg through the city via North Terrace where it passes the Adelaide Convention Centre, with a stop just in front of the Railway Station. located less than a minutes’ walk from venue. Travel between South Terrace and the Entertainment Centre is free with no ticket required. The trams run approximately every 10-15 minutes. The historic Adelaide Railway Station is located a 2 minute walk from the ACC. For more information please visit:
Car parking
The Adelaide Convention Centre operates both the Riverbank and North Terrace car parks, which are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Riverbank car park is accessed from Festival Drive and the North Terrace car park is accessed from North Terrace.
For further details on rates and information please click on the following link: Adelaide Convention
Due to construction work, availability and accessibility of car parks is currently limited and inconsistent depending on level of activity at the Centre. Please allow enough time to find alternative car parking should the Centre’s car parks be full.
Three main taxi companies operate in the Adelaide metropolitan area and ranks are located on North Terrace and Morphett Bridge, right on the doorstep of the Central and West Buildings. The international airport is just seven kilometres from the Centre, making a quick and economic taxi ride.
The following websites have for more information on Adelaide and surrounding areas;